Convert a decimal number into a fraction

The title pretty much says it all: this JavaScript code takes a decimal number and converts it into a fraction.

This code:

  • recognizes 0.3333333 as 1/3
  • allows not to extract the integral part: 1.5 can return 1 1/2 (by default) or 3/2
  • works with negative numbers
Description: Convert a decimal number into a fraction
Author: Michaël Niessen (© 2018)

If you find this script useful, you can show your
appreciation by getting Michaël a cup of coffee ;)

As long as this notice (including author name and details) is included and
UNALTERED, this code can be used and distributed freely.

function decimalToFraction(value, donly = true) {
  var tolerance = 1.0E-6; // from how many decimals the number is rounded
  var h1 = 1;
  var h2 = 0;
  var k1 = 0;
  var k2 = 1;
  var negative = false;
  var i;

  if (parseInt(value) == value) { // if value is an integer, stop the script
    return value;
  } else if (value < 0) {
    negative = true;
    value = -value;

  if (donly) {
    i = parseInt(value);
    value -= i;

  var b = value;

  do {
    var a = Math.floor(b);
    var aux = h1;
    h1 = a * h1 + h2;
    h2 = aux;
    aux = k1;
    k1 = a * k1 + k2;
    k2 = aux;
    b = 1 / (b - a);
  } while (Math.abs(value - h1 / k1) > value * tolerance);

  return (negative ? "-" : '') + ((donly & (i != 0)) ? i + ' ' : '') + (h1 == 0 ? '' : h1 + "/" + k1);

A few examples:

decimalToFraction(0.666) returns 333/500
decimalToFraction(0.6666666) returns 2/3
decimalToFraction(-2.56) returns -2 14/25
decimalToFraction(2.5) returns 2 1/2
decimalToFraction(2.5, false) returns 5/2 (setting false ignores the integral part)

Please let me know in the comments below if there’s anything that can be improved, or simply if and where you use it. I’d very much appreciate to know who likes it!

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